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Favorite Pancakes (without eggs)

Fast, fresh pancakes made without eggs! Enjoy for breakfast, brunch or any meal. Top with your favorite fruit sauce.
Stack of golden pancakes with a side of blueberries.
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Makes: 8 pancakes (4-inch)
Nutrition Facts: View label


1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour (see notes)
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup nonfat or 1% milk
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
2 Tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional)


  1. Wash hands with soap and water.
  2. Mix together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in medium bowl.
  3. Combine milk, oil and water. Add to dry ingredients.
  4. Stir just until moistened.
  5. Lightly spray a large skillet or griddle with non-stick cooking spray or lightly wipe with oil. Heat skillet or griddle over medium-high heat (350 degrees F in an electric skillet). For each pancake, pour about 1/4 cup of batter onto the hot griddle.
  6. Pancakes are ready to turn when tops are bubbly all over, a few bubbles have burst, and the edges begin to appear dry. Use a quick flip with a broad spatula to turn pancakes. Turn only once. Bake until bottoms are brown and dry.
  7. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.


  • To see if skillet is hot enough, sprinkle with a few drops of water. If drops skitter around, heat is just right.
  • Combine wet ingredients ahead of time. Store in refrigerator up to 2 days.
  • Mix dry ingredients ahead of time and store in a sealed container.
  • Top with applesauce, fresh fruit or yogurt.


Whole wheat – use whole wheat pastry flour or replace about half the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour. Add 1 to 2 Tablespoons of water or milk if batter is too thick. 

Oatmeal – replace about half the flour with rolled oats. Soak the rolled oats in the milk for 5 minutes before mixing the batter. 

Corn Cakes - Omit the sugar, replace up to half the flour with cornmeal and add ½ to 1 cup cooked corn.

Buttermilk – replace milk with buttermilk; reduce the baking powder to 2 teaspoons and add ½ teaspoon baking soda.

Apple – Add ½ cup shredded or chopped apple to the liquid ingredients.

Berry  – Try blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or a mix.  After batter is poured on the skillet or griddle, sprinkle the tops with berries. No need to thaw frozen berries.

Pumpkin - Add ½ cup canned pumpkin.

Zucchini - Add ½ cup grated zucchini. Squeeze out some moisture before adding.

Waffles - This batter also works great in waffle makers!


I just made these and they are very yummy! They rised too much to cook all the way through without burning the outside. So I would suggest cutting back on the baking powder. I also added some vanilla extract which was extra delicious.

Delicious and convient recipe! Love it.

We are so happy to hear that you like the recipe.  If they are getting too brown before they cook all the way through, try reducing the heat just a little.  See the notes section for testing the skillet heat with drops of water.

The Food Hero Team

I made this this morning for my 3 boys, I have one with an egg allergy. I used it to make Belgium waffles. Easiest recipe ever and a huge hit with my 3 boys!  Thank you!

I signed up just to comment on these pancakes. My two year old requested pancakes the day before our designated shopping day so naturally we were all out of eggs. Desperate, I completed a quick internet search and came across this recipe. I whipped it up hopeful that I would not need to head to the store early! I am so impressed with how easy and delicious these were. Thank you for the recipe.


A happy mom and toddler

Can I use spelt flour and coconut  and if so what would be the measurements 

We haven't tested spelt flour and coconut oil but they should work.  We would suggest starting with the same measurements given in the recipe.

The Food Hero Team

I have organic unsweetened almond milk. Will this cause a problem?

Any of the milks should work fine.

The Food Hero Team

I usually don't register to leave a comment but this recipe is magic. Its awsm n my mom n my family loves it. Thanq so much!!

If I only have 2% milk do I still use the same amount as I would 1% milk?

Exactly, you are correct!!

Best pancakes! I used 3/4 cup whole wheat flour 1/4 cup flour and added 1 grated apple with a tsp cinnamon and a dash of all spice. 

2 of my 3 kids have egg allergies and I'm always on the lookout for new recipes so that they can enjoy what other kids might take for granted. I've tried other eggless crepes and pancake recipes, but this one turned out very well.  My wife says it was the best pancakes she's ever had, so I think I'll be sticking with this recipe.  The kids destroyed it and everyone seemed very satisfied with how they turned out.  This is the best eggless pancake recipe I've come across and couldn't be more pleased with the results.  Full stomachs and smiling faces is always the goal, and I'm confident that we've succeeded in meeting expectations.  Thanks for sharing.  

I followed the directions perfectly, but for some reason they batter was so thin it was like water. I tried thickening them, but apparently made it worse. They didn't bubble, and they came out super greasy.

Sounds like a possible measuring problem. Use standard measuring cups and spoons. Are you substituting anything for regular wheat flour? Try again and let us know how it works. 

The Food Hero Team

I signed up simply to leave a comment on this wonderfully delicious recipe. I did make a few changes, I added a bit more salt ( I use fine sea salt ) A few extra Tablespoons milk, organic virgin coconut or light olive oil in place of the vegetable oil and about 1/2 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract. Make sure to sift the dry ingredients together first and do not over mix once you add in the liquids. These are delicious plain or topped with Greek yogurt and fruit!

These are fantastic, quick and easy to make. They taste wonderful!

What if I do not add baking powder? Is there an alternative ingredient for it?

Quick breads need a source of carbon dioxide to make them puff up a little and be light and airy.  Otherwise, they would be very flat, kind of like crepes.  Baking powder has at least two ingredients that will react when moistened and sometimes when heated to make the gas.  If you did not use baking powder, you would need other ingredients that react together.  Most commonly, this is baking soda and an acid food ingredient such as buttermilk, yogurt, vinegar, or lemon juice.  It is important that the amounts of soda and the acid are balanced so there will not be leftover soda that would taste bitter and soapy.  Making this substitution is not always easy because amounts of liquid and dry ingredients also need to be balanced. Let us know if you would like to know more.

The Food Hero Team

Hello! I'm yet to try out this recipe but I've seen so many positive comments on it so I'm really excited to try them out, by the way, is it okay to use full cream milk or would it alter the results ? Thanks for the recipe !!:)

You would not see much difference if you use 'whole' milk (4%) but it will add more calories from fat.  Enjoy!

Food Hero Team

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this recipe!!!! They are absolutely delicious :)  My son has severe dairy and egg allergies and trying to find recipes for him that actually taste good is impossible. It helps when it tastes so good the rest of the family will eat the same thing and not even realize it! 

Yummy & fluffy - used soya milk, may try coconut milk next time!

As a vegan I would use soya or other 'milk'

These pancakes are SO DELICIOUS and super fast and easy to whip up! Not to mention incredibly fluffy! I did 3/4c whole wheat flour and added a tbs of flaxseed meal and used a little bit of honey instead of white sugar  and they're to die for. Wrote this recipe down and will be my go-to recipe now! Thank you!!!!!

They tasted good but didn't end up fluffy, I followed the recipe exactly so I don't know what went wrong. I still enjoyed them, though.

Very rarely do I take the time to make an account to comment but on this recipe I had to. As someone who loves pancakes and it's my go to dish this is amazing. I threw a little chocolate chips in mine and they came out great. I had no issue with barter thickness and they came out big and fluffy. I will say I was able to get 4 decent size pancakes out of this so I got more than the two it states but such an amazing breakfast. I was able to keep everyone happy with pancakes without trying to go out and find eggs on New Years morning. 

With my electric griddle I don't use spray or oil.

I was looking for a recipe because I had no eggs and stumbled on this one. This recipe is great!! Only thing I added was some vanilla extract and I poured from a 1/4 cup. I got 14 nice looking pancakes. Easy recipe and delicious pancakes, a must save!!

thank you so much for this recipe because I am very allergic to eggs ,but I love pancakes!

Like another comment I read here, I just had to create an account bec. I was just so happy how these turned out. I used the part all purpose part whole wheat recipe and didn't bother putting oil and the pancakes were still nice and fluffy. Batter was thick and I thinned out the last couple of pancakes to see what happens and still turned out great. I lightly buttered my pan. This is a nice blank canvas recipe, I added vanilla extract , next time I will try adding banana and berries. Thanks!

Just tried these, I used almond milk buttermilk and added some baking soda, and oh MY WOW these tasted just like mcdonalds hot cakes! They tasted so incredibly amazing, this is definitely my new pancake recipe :) 

This has become my go-to pancake recipe. I've slightly altered it to fit my diet. I switched out the dairy milk for vanilla almond milk and I add just a touch more of almond milk then the recipe calls for to thin out the batter just a touch. 

These are the best, fluffiest pancackes I've ever made at home. You can not tell that any ingredient is "missing." 

Hey everyone, my mum's coeliac but she really likes pancakes. If I use buckwheat flour instead of the normal one, will the recipe work? Should I use rice flour?

I have always bought the expensive pancake mix from the store, and never thought to make mine from scratch. I didn't eggs today, so upon looking to see if I could make the batter without eggs, I came across this recipe. I have never had such thick, fluffy, easy to turn, pancakes. So easy to make and delicious. I will never buy store bought pancake mix again. I had everything for this recipe in my kitchen!

I created an account solely for the purpose of leaving a comment for this recipe. These pancakes are THE best pancakes I've ever eaten. They are seriously THAT delicious! They came out light but filling, fluffy, flavorful... perfect. I did use whole-wheat flour instead of all-purpose and unsweetened almond milk in place of cow's milk (side note: I added an extra 1/2 tbsp of organic cane sugar and a dash of cinnamon to make up for it). I'll never use any other pancake recipe again. Like, ever. Thank you immensely for posting this!

Same here! I had to create an account after making these pancakes. I have never had such great pancakes that were so easy to make. They were thick and dense, yet soft and fluffy. (If that makes any sense.) Super easy to make, and they flipped without any mess.

This recipe is great, and easy to modify to fit my dietary restrictions, no meat, dairy, or processed sugar. Almond milk instead of dairy milk, and honey in place of sugar. These are easy to make, very tender, and delicious!

I was out of Aunt Jemima pancake mix :-) which we use for camping, so came to this site via Google. We are back home now so decided to make waffles. The recipe worked well and they were delicious and fluffy...not heavy or too filling, just right. I like the idea of no eggs.  Next time I'll make blueberry pancakes using this recipe. A key factor is mixing the dry ingredients first then all the liquids in a separate bowl...add gradually and don't stir too much. Also, make sure the waffle iron or skillet is hot enough. You may need to experiment. I may try using just water instead of milk. 

How much pancakes does this recipie make. Please give a amount not like something yeild or serving because i dont get them. Ex. 2 panckaes

Thank you!!

By using a 1/4 cup to pour the batter into individual pancakes on the griddle you can make about 8 pancakes.  Each serving is 2 pancakes and you can serve about 4 people with this recipe.

The first pancakes I've made from scratch -- and they're perfect! Fluffy and delicious.

i loved them and the kids did too xx

I registered for this website to specifically comment on this recipe and WOOWWWW!!! I have tried a lot of pancake recipes and I mean ALOTTT! This is honestly THE BEST recipe that I have come across!My husband is really picky with breakfast food and doesn't really like pancakes or waffles and he tried these yesterday and absolutely fell in LOVEEE! He probably loves them more than me lol they are soo fluffy and just melt in your mouth good. They're also VERY easy to make;requiring very basic ingredients. They're just the absolute best pancakes ever!!!

I totally agree, best recipe ever that I have came across and I also registered just to comment haha

This came out great not runny. I doubled recipe used soy milk. Was thick add about a quarter more liquid to thin. I had made one thicker cake it was a little undercooked in middle sho that is why I added to thin. I could have added more heat and more time but I chose to thin it. I added carob chips to them and had extra apples so I made cinnamon apples with syrup then topped the cakes with those..Oh I added more salt that's it wonderful my kids adult kids and his wife are them lived them. I then told them the recipe they were also shocked they tasted so awesome. My daughter in law who is pregnant said she well be using this recipe from now on...way to go!!!

First Bite Review:

WOW!  Okay this recipe has changed the way I look at Pancakes.  I'm shovelling them in my mouth as I write this, so please excuse any syrup that drips onto this post. 

I have developed an egg allergy and rather than simply trying to find a decent recipe, I just pretty much gave up on pancakes, but this morning I woke up craving pancakes, and since we were out of (please don't ban me for this... ) pancake mix (aaaarrgghh!) I went in search of a good egg-free pancake mix.

I'll have to admit, I was a bit skeptical when I saw 1 Tbl of baking powder, but I mixed it all together and it looked right.  The batter was a bit thick, and I almost thinned it with milk first, but went ahead and made that first pancake per the recipe.

Wow!  It was like watching the test at Bikin Atoll all over again!  I grew up with the thin, crepe like "box-mix" pancakes, and even in resturants I've never seen pancakes fluff up like this.  I used a 1/2 cup measure to ladle it from bowl to pan and it turned into the pancake variant of the Incredible Hulk right before my eyes!  

Again I became skeptical. I've gotten my "box-mix" batter's too thick before and they came out gooey in the center.. but not these.  These were well done, all the way through and light and fluffy...  

I will never look at a pancake the same way again.  You have spoiled me. :D

Thank you for the permanant addition to my recipe box.

Has anyone tried using this batter for waffles? 

I was a bit skeptical about this recipe since there is no egg replacement, and all my previous attempts at making pancakes without eggs or some replacement (often banana) have turned out poorly. But I really wanted to eat pancakes and since I was out of eggs and bananas, I decided to give this recipe a go. And it was a great success! The pancakes turned out really nice looking and very tasty, so I will definitely save this one for future use :)

I just tried this recipe out today. Loved it!

Pancakes were extra fluffy and my daughter (who is allergic to eggs) devoured them. 

You can also add cinnamon to it for some extra flavor. 

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