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Healthy Jokes

We also have a file of all our jokes. Plus, you can see them on our Pinterest jokes board.

¡Encuentra aquí la lista completa de todos nuestros chistes! (Archivo)

También puedes ver estos chistes en nuestra página de Pinterest.

What do you call a mystical vegetable?
Punchline Image for Corn Joke
How do you draw food art?
Punchline Image for Cranberry Joke 2
How does a scarecrow drink his cranberry juice?
Punchline Image for Cranberry Joke
Why don't eggs tell each other jokes?
Punchline Image for Egg Joke
Why are grape's never lonely?
Punchline Image for Grape Joke
What do you call a movie about leafy greens?
Punchline Image for Kale Joke
What's a tailor's favorite vegetable?
Punchline Image for String Bean Joke
What type of key doesn't open a lock?
Punchline Image for Kiwi Joke
What vegetable does a sailor look for?
Punchline Image for Leek Joke
What do you call a grumpy cow?
Punchline Image for Milk Joke 2
What did the mama cow say to the baby cow?
Punchline Image for Milk Joke 1
Why does the mushroom always get invited to parties?
Punchline Image for Mushroom Joke
How do oats send letters?
Punchline Image for Oats Joke
I saw an onion ring...
Punchline Image for Onion Joke 2
Knock, knock! Who's there? Onion! Onion who?
Punchline Image for Onion Joke
Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill?
Punchline Image for Orange Joke
What do you call the time in-between eating peaches?
Punchline Image for Peach Joke
What are twins' favorite fruit?
Punchline Image for Pear Joke
What vegetable do librarians like?
Punchline Image for Peas Joke 2
Why do potatoes always get along?
Punchline Image for Potato Joke
How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
Punchline Image for Pumpkin Joke 2
What's a pumpkin's favorite game?
Punchline Image for Pumpkin Joke
What is small, red and whispers?
Punchline Image for Radish Joke 2
What is the coolest vegetable?
Punchline Image for Radish Joke
How does rice say "goodbye"?
Punchline Image for Rice Joke 2
Knock, knock! Who's there? Rice! Rice who?
Punchline Image for Rice Joke
We don't have any salad jokes...
Punchline Image for Lettuce Joke 3
What's a penguin's favorite salad ingredient?
Punchline Image for Lettuce Joke 2
What did the salad say to the dressing?
Punchline Image for Lettuce Joke
Knock, knock! Who's there? Cumin! Cumin who?
Punchline Image for Cumin Joke