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Young greens and basil updates

many types of basil seedlings in cups
May 17, 2023

"My young greens are generally doing pretty well. I planted the seeds in some pre-fertilized potting soil mixed with some perlite, so I don’t think I need to fertilize them yet. The seedlings in some cups look weaker than their brothers in the cups next to them, but I don’t see any system. Maybe, the devil in the drainage holes?

What makes me a bit sad is that all of my purple basils are not doing as great as the green ones, and that the chives have not produced a single seedling yet. I think I’ll try to rearrange the basil seedlings to let the weaker ones get more light."
—Tatiana, Benton County Master Gardener volunteer

You can visit the Benton County Fairgrounds Demonstration Garden. Master Gardener volunteers are there working on Wednesdays, 9-11am, but the garden is always open. 110 SW 53rd St. Corvallis, OR 97333. Enter from 53rd St. The garden is on the south side of the fairgrounds, by the chain link fence, on the south side of the Floral Courtyard.

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