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Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies
Galletas de Calabaza Para el Desayuno

48 Cookies
Prep time:
Prep time
20 minutes
Cooking time:
Cook time
10 minutes

48 galletas
Tiempo de preparación:
20 minutos
Tiempo para cocinar:
10 minutos

1 ¾ cups cooked, pureed pumpkin (15 ounce can)
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
½ cup vegetable oil
1 ½ cups flour
1 ¼ cups whole-wheat flour
1 Tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground ginger
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped nuts (any type)
1 ¾ tazas de puré de calabaza tipo "pumpkin" cocida (una lata de 15 onzas)
1 tazas de azúcar morena
2 huevos
½ taza de aceite
1 ½ tazas de harina
1 ¼ tazas de harina de trigo integral
1 cucharada de polvo de hornear
2 cucharaditas de canela
1 cucharadita de nuez moscada
½ cucharadita de sal
¼ de cucharadita de jengibre molida
1 taza de pasas
1 taza de nueces de Castilla (walnuts) o avellanas, picadas
- Wash hands with soap and water.
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
- In a large bowl, stir together pumpkin, brown sugar, eggs and oil. Mix well until smooth.
- In another bowl, stir together the flours, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and salt. Add to the pumpkin mixture and mix well.
- Stir in raisins and nuts.
- Drop the dough by a tablespoon on to a lightly greased baking sheet, 1 inch apart.
- Gently flatten each cookie with the back of a spoon.
- Bake 10 to 12 minutes until tops are dry and begin to brown.
- Lávese las manos con agua y jabón
- Precaliente el horno a 400 grados F.
- Mezcle la calabaza tipo "pumpkin", el azúcar, los huevos y el aceite hasta tener una mezcla consistente.
- Mezcle los ingredientes secos y añada a la mezcla de calabaza.
- Añada las pasas y las nueces.
- Reparta la mezcla con una cucharadita en una bandeja de hornear engrasada, 1 pulgada de distancia.
- Con cuidado, aplane cada galleta (use una cuchara, la base de un vaso, o la palma de la mano).
- Hornee de 10 a 12 minutos o hasta que estén doradas.
- No raisins? Use any type of dried fruit.
Food Sensitivities and Preferences
- For an egg-free cookie, substitute 6 Tablespoons aquafaba (the liquid drained from any canned white bean such as garbanzo beans) for the eggs. Freeze extra aquafaba for later use.
- For a wheat-free and gluten-free cookie, substitute your favorite all-purpose gluten-free flour mix. The texture will be a little different than a cookie made with wheat flour.
- For a soy-free cookie, avoid soybean oil.
- For a tree nut-free cookie, omit nuts.
- For a peanut-free cookie, avoid peanut oil.
- Combine any of the free-from suggestions above for the cookie of your choice. The texture and nutrient content will be different with different ingredients, but our testers liked the variations.
- ¿No tiene pasas? Use cualquier tipo de fruta seca.