Morning Glory: Clarke’s Heavenly Blue

Morning glories are beautiful, sky-blue vining flowers that will bloom from midsummer to the fall frost. They are toxic if ingested; therefore, make sure to plant them out of reach of children and out of grazing areas for animals
6 inches; Height: 10 to 12 inches
Sow the seeds directly outside, ideally in June, after all, danger of frost is past. Choose a sunny location. You can start your seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the last spring frost; however, morning glories do not transplant well. For a quicker germination time, soak the seeds overnight in warm water or scrape their surface before planting them. Water well. Train the growing plants to climb a trellis or fence.
Morning glories attract pollinators like bees and hummingbirds to their trumpet-shaped flowers. If grown on a high trellis, they can also produce shade for lower-lying plants on hot summer days.