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Radishes - seed packet

Early Scarlet Globe
Drawing of radishes growing in the ground with green leaves above ground
Days to Germination
4 to 6 days
Planting Depth
1/2 inch
Plant Spacing

3 inches

Days to Harvest
25 days
Best Container Size
12 inches or larger

Sow the seeds directly in the garden in spring after your last major frost. Cover the seeds firmly with soil. For a steady crop, sow every 10 days until warm weather. Start again in the fall until 30 days before the first frost.

Water regularly to keep the soil from drying out.

Growing Tips

Radishes have the best flavor when grown in cool weather and full sun. For mild radishes and rapid growth, mulch and water well.

*These seeds are easy to sow, with a fun color coating that helps them germinate. However, the coating adds a few days to the germination time as compared to uncoated seeds.

Other Resources
Last updated: Oct 27, 2020
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