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Fry Bread - Bread of Resilience

Fry Bread - Bread of Resilence monthly magazine front page
Fry Bread - Bread of Resilience monthly magazine back page

Bread of Resilience

Fry bread was a survival food for many Indigenous People forced off their land.


  • The history of fry bread is linked to the forced relocation of Native American and Alaskan Native Tribes in the 1800s. Credit is given to the Navajo people for creating fry bread after they were forced to make the “Long Walk” from Arizona to New Mexico. Hungry and far away from their traditional foods, they turned U.S. government rations of flour, salt, baking powder and lard into a filling bread that saved many from starvation.
  • Fry bread is a food that represents resilience and family. Knowledge of how to make fry bread, and the story of its history, has been passed down through the generations.
  • Fry bread brings diverse Indigenous People together through a shared cultural experience. It is enjoyed with family and friends for meals, holidays, pow wows and other gatherings.

group of indigenous people

Indigenous People waiting to receive commodities. Image courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), negative #044516

Tribal Culture

  • The Pacific Northwest provided an abundance of food that was cared for by its Indigenous People. They were nourished by a variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, roots, fish and lean meats.
  • Native American people did not eat processed foods until they were separated from their land and traditions and given unfamiliar
    and less nutritious government commodities.

Restoring Health

  • To help combat chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and kidney disease, Native American communities across the country are working to restore health through access to local, traditional foods.
  • Tribes are influencing positive changes in the government commodity food program. A wider variety of fresh foods and foods with cultural significance are more available.
  • My Native Plate is a nutrition education tool that provides food guidance specific to the needs of Indigenous People.


My native plate


Making Fry Bread

Rosanna's Fry Bread recipe

making fry bread

Kids Can!

When kids help make healthy food, they are more likely to try it. Show kids how to:

  • measure and mix ingredients.
  • knead the dough.
  • flatten and stretch the dough.

Go to for tasty recipes to eat with fry bread.


confederated tribes of warm springs

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